Youtube Intergration for iPods

Posted by Joel Green | 8:10 PM | | 0 comments »

I Am A Subscriber to the "Best Of Youtube" Vodcast(Video-Podcast) via iTunes and I love to watch all the new clips when they come out for my iPod not knowing what to expect. While Watching this Vodcast I realized that there was so much more potential for Youtube and the Non-touch screen Apple iPod Range.

My Ideal setup would be to when I see a video I liked on Youtube simply take the URL of that Video and paste the text into iTunes. iTunes does the rest, treats it as a normal download and puts it under a new category on the video menus. SO you would have Movies, TV Shows, Music Videos and then Youtube Videos. Another way to improve on this idea would be to have the ability to subscribe to a channel just as you can on the Youtube website, so like a podcast except you have the range of all the Youtube Channels to choose from and not Just what one person thought was funny enough to put on their personal Podcast.

It seems to me that also this might take a little while to work out for the developers of itunes, that the agreement between Apple & Youtube would not be hard to work out seeing you can already watch Youtube videos on an iPhone or iPod Touch.

iPod Joel